If you have the dreaded double chin, you know it. The double chin is that excess fat that develops under the chin, which we call submental fat. This excess fat can be extremely unsightly and lead people to feel older, heavier and generally unattractive. Sadly, even if you lose weight, you may still have unwanted excess fat or skin under your chin. Fortunately, Kohn Medical & Weight Loss provides non-surgical double chin treatments.

How Kohn Medical & Weight Loss Help Me With My Double Chin?
At Kohn Medical & Weight Loss, we have had wonderful success eliminating submental fat with a procedure called SculpSure®. We are trained experts in the SculpSure® procedure, which can get rid of fat that causes a “double chin” effect for good.
What Is SculpSure® and How Can It Treat My Double Chin?
SculpSure® is a cutting-edge laser technology that zaps unwanted fat cells that lie beneath the skin. The heat of the laser penetrates the outer layers of your dermis, causing no harm. The fat cells get to a temperature at which they can no longer survive, causing your body to eliminate them naturally over time. SculpSure® has been used for years to treat fat on stubborn areas of the body such as the abdomen and thighs and was approved by the FDA for submental (under the chin) treatment in 2017.
Can Sculpsure® Really Take Care of My Double Chin?
You experience a loss of up to 24% of the fat cells in the chin area following a session. You see the beginnings of results in about six weeks, with optimal results appearing in 12 weeks when your body has had a chance to fully dispose of the disrupted fat cells.
Before & After Photos
How Can I Try SculpSure® for Double Chin Treatment in Las Vegas?
If you are struggling with the embarrassment of unsightly submental fat in Las Vegas, make an appointment with Kohn Medical & Weight Loss. Dr. Ronald J. Kohn will evaluate your situation, develop a weight loss program if necessary, and show you exactly how SculpSure® can destroy that excess submental fat for good, eliminating your double chin and giving you the great look you deserve. Just fill out and submit our online form or call us at 702-487-6500 today to schedule.