One of the most common concerns we see with people coming into Kohn Medical & Weight Loss relates to body fat. People are concerned they may have too much body fat, and it is a problem either for their appearance, their health, or both. Fortunately, Kohn Medical & Weight Loss has special expertise in dealing with these issues and can provide you with the treatment you need.
What Is Body Fat?
Body fat refers to the cells in your body that make up the percentage of your body that is not skin, bone, muscles or organs. There are different types of body fat, and some are essential for your survival. For example, fat in your brain or around your nerves or other organs protect them from harm. Fat also keeps you warm and regulates hormones such as cortisol, insulin and estrogen for women. When you have too much fat, however, it can become a problem.
What Is Wrong With Having Excess Fat?
Most medical estimates suggest that for non-athletes, a fat percentage of around 20 percent for men and 25 percent for women is healthy. Body fat percentage 25 percent or higher for men and higher than 31 percent for women can start to put you at greater risk for conditions like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, coronary artery disease, and other illnesses. In addition, excess fat can accumulate in areas like the stomach, thighs, face, and neck, which many people consider to be unsightly.
Treatment with Kohn Medical & Weight Loss
At Kohn Medical & Weight Loss, we specialize in eliminating excess fat in order to help you look better and to promote better health. After a thorough physical examination and EKG, we can discuss a customized weight loss program that may include diet shots and lifestyle recommendations to help you lose weight and excess fat.
SculpSure® for Body Fat Treatment
In cases where diet and exercise are not sufficient to get rid of stubborn areas of fat, we can administer SculpSure®, a painless, fast and nonsurgical procedure that uses a special laser to target fat cells and eliminate them for good.

Get Treatment for Body Fat in Las Vegas Now
Dr. Kohn and Kohn Medical & Weight Loss have had tremendous success helping people get rid of unwanted fat so they can live happier, healthier lives. If you would like to join them, click to schedule an appointment or call 702-487-6500 today.